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Rainbow Angel
2018, 36 x 48”, acrylic painting created on “PRISM PALETTE” live art tour at : Electric Forest, Bass Coast, Diversity, Cascadia and Shambhala music festival.
Candy Crew
2022-2024, 36 x 48”, acrylic painting created on “Rainbow Renaissance” live art tour at : Electric Forest 2022
Pleasure Prism
2023, 36 x 48 inch , acrylic and oil painting on canvas .
Grow, Flow, Glow!
2023, 30 x 40 inch , acrylic painting on canvas .
Bubbling Hearts and Stars
2023, 30 x 40 inch acrylic painting on canvas
Lost Illusions
2023, 20 x 30 inch acrylic painting on canvas
Rainbow Renaissance
2022, 48 x 48 inch, acrylic painting on canvas
Just Desserts
2020, 30 x 40 inch, acrylic painting on canvas.
Just desserts, a magical dreamscape and tantalizing colorful sweet treat!
Soul Song
2021, 30 x 40 inch, acrylic painting on canvas.
“Soul song” is a painting about spiritual unity.
The essence of what Id like to share with this piece is…. the connection to source/ all things you experience, and activate once you remember who you are as an eternal soul.
A turning point in my spiritual journey was when unconditional love, acceptance and understanding were reflected back to me from my eternal self. An activation of the remembrance of divine love took place . Perhaps described as a ‘song’ because of the rising recognition of the souls very existence and this truth being set free… to be sung! I for one, have never felt more peace, harmony than spiritual unity . This painting was originally titled “Surrender to joy, open to bliss” but renamed “Soul Song” because it is more of a remembrance than a surrender.. There is no ‘healing’ to be done on your soul, just a return to your eternal state of being, LOVE,.This was the shift of consciousness my “Soul Song” painting accompanied me on. All of the light refractions represent this knowledge, reflecting and enlightening all areas of life. For me, ‘being love’ / ‘being with god’ is experiencing consciousness , practicing presence, and continually integrating the connection to all .. with Peace, Love and Unity.
Flutter by source
2022, 16 x 20 inch, acrylic painting on canvas.
2022, 15 x 30 inch, acrylic painting on canvas
2021, 16 x 40 inch, acrylic painting on canvas.
Rainbow Abundance
2020, 26 x 24 inch acrylic on canvas. Started in May 2019 at COSM at the full moon ceremony hosted by Alex and Allyson Grey. Finished in my Washington studio 2020.
Empathy angel
2021, 24 x 24 inches oil painting on canvas.
Tears of an angel flow upward transmuting grief into hope, grace and forgiveness for all.
2021, 14 x 28 inch, acrylic painting on wood.
A loving painting about spiritual unity of the soul. Oneness of the divine masculine, divine feminine and the dualities within.
“ There are opposites within us, call them what we like- Masculine and Feminine, Anima and Animus, Yin and Yang-and these are eternally in tension and are eternally seeking to unite. The human soul is a great arena in which the active and receptive, the light and the dark, the Yang and the Yin, seek to come together and forge within us an inscribable unity of personality. To achieve this union of the opposites within ourselves may very well be the task of life, requiring the utmost in perseverance and assiduous awareness. Usually men need women for this to come about, and women need men. And yet, ultimately the union of the opposites does not occur between a man who plays out the masculine and a woman who plays out the feminine, but within the being of each man and each woman in whom the opposites are finally conjoined.” ” From the book “Invisible Partners” by John A. Sanford
Back to Source
2022, 18 x 24 inch, acrylic painting on canvas